Tuesday, February 18, 2014

2013 Taiwan Trip Day 6 (Hualien City- Whale-Watching- Taipei)

19/6  花蓮賞鯨+市區慢遊180度看海→洄瀾海灣→坐船出海賞鯨→撒固兒步→道將軍府→

After a delectable breakfast, it was already late morning. We headed for some scenic views, visited Y Ming's wife's second hand goods store and tried the famous sugarcane ice dessert before going to the Hualien Port to catch our ferry for whale-watching. 

有的没的二手店 sells handmade items and second-hand goods. You can find interesting furniture, clothes, books and other knick knacks. It feels like a mini flea market. At the time of writing, the shop would have moved to Y Ming's residence and only opens by appointment. 


Supporting fellow Hualien businesses

After visiting 有的没的二手店,we checked out the popular old dessert store 丰春冰果店 which was sold out the first time we visited. 

There is always a queue
Large bowls of sugarcane ice ~ Yummy

Various toppings are available 

Traditional methods
The bowls of sugarcane ice is something we are unable to find in Singapore. The toppings were generous and the ingredients fresh and tasted real. Yam was in the right colour - No purple please. We were filled to the brim after the ice dessert. 

电话:03-8651530 / 0919-901098

Before we know it, we were running late for the whale-watching tour. Fortunately, we made it in time! 

Attendance-taking and tour briefing


Some advice for those who are interested in the whale-watching tour: 
Do not go for the tour on a full stomach. The waves were really choppy. Quite a number of people on board started vomiting less than halfway through the journey. I must applaud them for holding a bag of vomit in one hand and taking photos with the other. 
Thankfully, my folks were fine and to my amazement, not only did they not vomit, they were snacking on board. ^^ 

Taking photos of the whales  dolphins were really a feat. The above are my best shots. Sigh. I shall not blame my camera. 

You must be wondering by now where are the whales. Whales are not guaranteed, but dolphins are. Being able to see a whale is somewhat like striking lottery. Perhaps they should change the name of the tour to dolphin-watching instead of whale-watching. Haha. At about SGD30 per person,  I think it is still quite a reasonable price and likely cheaper as compared to other countries. 

Do note the whale-watching tours are only conducted during certain months of the year. April to October is considered the ideal season, in particularly mid May to September. 


After fighting the choppy waves, we went back for our last round of Hualien City yummy food before bidding farewell to Hualien. 

For those who love 葱油饼,this is famous. It is crispy on the outside and fluffy in the inside. I suggest you don't look at the pot of oil. ;p  This is worth the calories. :)

The blue van fried spring onion pancake stall


Y Ming brought us to buy some bento sets for our dinner on the train back to Taipei. 

The thing I love most was the rice. 
Goodbye Y Ming and Hualien! Till we meet again...

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