Saturday, April 12, 2014

慢城花莲换工旅游之沉淀、充电后 Afterthoughts on my working holiday experience










Afterthoughts on my working holiday experience

Now that my working holiday has come to an end, I thought it will be helpful to pen down my thoughts, as a reflection for myself and for my readers who are interested to find out more.

Many people were taken aback when I chose to leave the Education Service, giving up a secure and stable job and forsaking my performance bonus. What shocked most people was I left without a new job and chose to go on a working holiday doing housekeeping tasks in a Bed & Breakfast without being paid. It really sounds like a crazy idea. 

Now that I have been through that, I must say it was a learning journey for myself. You may wonder, what is there to learn from cleaning up rooms and washing coffee cups? I believe in everything we do, we can seek improvements, be it working attitude or interpersonal skills. The biggest lesson I have learnt is learning how to live. The quality of life cannot be defined simply by the quality of things one possess , though I do not deny it is relational to a certain extent. I will most likely be having a pay cut in the future, but I believe work life balance will probably be something more within my control and I can define the lifestyle I wish to have.

Living overseas in Hualien county for more than a month changed my lifestyle. Surrounded by many good books in the Bed & Breakfast / cafe I worked at, I spent time reading and learnt to focus more in the process. Now that I recall, I did not watch any TV programmes or dramas for more than a month. Life was simple yet fulfilling. 

During my one month working holiday, it was a great cultural exchange for myself and others. One striking difference between Singapore and Taiwan is the method of sorting trash. I had to get used to sorting out recyclable products and food waste separately. Food waste are used as animal feed. I think we have much to catch up on our recycling efforts. 

The biggest change I see in myself is the diminishing material desire. Over the last two months, I have learnt to live simply. Other than spending on transport, food and beverages, I have not spent unnecessarily. 

I am not sure of the effects of the changes when I return home. We shall see! :)

After traveling for almost two months, I am even more certain there is no need to fill up my luggage with souvenirs, rather to fill my heart with gratitude for the blessings and lessons learnt. The greatest gifts are the memory and experiences recorded with a camera or thoughts penned down, treasuring the moments that touched my heart. 

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